

Advertising in the program for Master/slave Conference can be beneficial to your organization or business. The program can be used to promote your business, other events and send notes of congratulations.

Files must be sized for placement.

Artwork for your ad may be delivered electronically in one of the following file formats: JPG or PNG, 300 dpi

Electronic files may be delivered via email to:

Advertising Deadline is July 31. Absolutely no artwork will be accepted after that date.

All Advertising is subject to review by the MsC ownership

Advertising Rates

Ad Type Dimensions Cost Specs.
Full Page 7 x" x 9.5 h" $300.00 Black/white, jpg or png, 300 dpi
1/2 Page 7 x" x 4.75 h" $150.00 Black/white, jpg or png, 300 dpi
1/4 Page 3.5 x" x 4.75 h" $100.00 Black/white, jpg or png, 300 dpi
Event Bag Inserts Up to 8 1/2 x" x 11 h" $40.00  fliers, brochures, palm cards, business cards

Advertise in the Program Book

Please consider advertising in our amazing Program Book, considered by many as the best program of any event.

Contact us at